Ffeithiau Ffiaidd Y Corff

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Written by: Mari George and Kevin Payne
Publisher: RILY

Bydd yn barod am daith sy’n archwilio’r corff dynol ffiaidd ac afiach. Mae’n ddigon i droi dy stumog. Llyfr ffeithiau doniol i blant sy’n caru unrhyw ffeithiau rhyfedd ac ych-a-fi!

Byddi di’n rhyfeddu at y ffeithiau gwych a gwallgof hyn am bi-pi, pw, chwys, afiechydon, snots gludiog a llawer mwy! Oeddet ti’n gwybod bod gan y person cyffredin tua 10,000 o flasbwyntiau ar ei dafod? Wyt ti’n gallu dyfalu hyd pw hiraf y byd?

Defnyddia’r llyfr gweithgaredd hynod erchyll hwn i ddysgu am yr holl ffeithiau ffiaidd hyn! Yn llawn ffeithiau, posau a gemau, byddi di’n siŵr o wingo a chwerthin nes dy fod ti’n wan, wrth ddarllen a dysgu am y corff dynol.

Get ready to go on a stomach-churning journey exploring the gross and ghastly human body. An alternative fun fact book for kids who love any gross and bizarre facts.

Have your mind blown by these weird and wonderful things about poo, wee, sweat, diseases, bogies and lots more! Did you know that the average person has around 10,000 tastebuds on their tongue? Or can you guess the world’s longest poo?

Learn about all these gross facts, with this fantastically gruesome activity book! Packed with facts, puzzles, and games, readers are sure to laugh-out-loud and cringe whilst having a fun reading and learning about the human body.

£1/€1.50 Book Information Sheet

Dressing Up Resource Bilingual


Adnodd Gwisgo Fyny Cymraeg


Dressing Up Resource English

The £1/€1.50 books are also available in braille, large print & audio via Guide Dogs, Vision Ireland, RNIB and Calibre Audio. If you require one of these formats, please click here to find out more.

Gwyliwch y clip yma o Kev Payne yn siarad am ei lyfr Ffeithiau Ffiaidd Y Corff, a sut gwnaeth Diwrnod y Llyfr ei ysbrydoli i ddysgu Cymraeg!

Check out this video of Kev Payne talking about his book Ffeithiau Ffiaidd Y Corff, and how World Book Day inspired him to start learning Welsh!

    About the Authors

    Mari George

    Ganed Mari George ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, De Cymru, ac, ar ôl astudio am Radd Meistr mewn Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg, bu’n gweithio fel cyfieithydd a golygydd sgriptiau yn adran ddrama BBC Cymru. Mae Mari George bellach yn fardd, cyfieithydd ac awdur arobryn. Mae hi wedi ennill nifer o wobrau anhygoel, gan gynnwys y Fedal Lenyddiaeth a Chadair Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Mae Mari’n byw yn Ne Cymru gyda’i gŵr a dau o blant, a phan nad yw’n gweithio mae’n hoffi canu mewn côr, teithio, cadw’n heini a siarad â chwningen anwes y teulu, Jet.

    Mari George was born in Bridgend, South Wales, and, after studying for a Masters Degree in Welsh Literature, she worked as a translator and script editor at BBC Wales drama department. Mari George is now an award-winning author, poet and translator. She has won a number of amazing awards, including the Literature Medal and y Gadair at the Urdd Eisteddfod. Mari lives in South Wales with her husband and two children, and when she is not working she likes to sing in a choir, travel, keep fit and talk to the family’s pet rabbit, Jet.


    Mari George

    Kevin Payne

    Awdur a darlunydd o Ddyfnaint yw Kevin Payne. Ers yn blentyn, mae ganddo gariad at lyfrau, comics, a chartwnau, a hynny a’i ysbrydolodd i dynnu lluniau. Ochr yn ochr â darlunio, mae Kevin yn ysgrifennu straeon a cherddi, llyfrau ffeithiol, ac yn creu gemau rhyngweithiol. Bu Kev yn athro am dros 17 o flynyddoedd, a phan nad yw’n tynnu lluniau ac yn ysgrifennu, mae’n mwynhau canu’r iwcalili a chwarae pêl-droed.

    Kevin Payne is an author and illustrator from Devon, United Kingdom. He grew up with a love for books, comics, and cartoons, which inspired him to draw. Alongside illustration, Kevin writes stories and poems, non-fiction books and creates interactive games. Kev was a teacher for over seventeen years and, when he’s not drawing or writing, Kevin enjoys playing the ukulele and playing football

    Kevin Payne

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